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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  September 23, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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by some of the greatest clues in the history of mankind but did you very well. >> this is what i do. i mean you guys ever need me for another game show or anything, just let me know. >> come to you. >> any state. let's do it. just a reminder for you too. my 20s the place to be next mop night to watch the redskins take on the cowboys. kickoff is 8:30. immediately following the game, stay tuned for feldy's live post-game show from cowboys stadium. we still have plenty ahead. fox 5 morning news continues right now. how bay peek outside. does this look like a familiar theme for this week. third day in a row, we've had the soup to drive through. it is friday morning, september 23rd. i guess the advantage today is it is friday. we get through the fog today, we should be in good shape for the weekend at least.
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i'm steve chenevey. >> >> i'm sarah simmons. >> we had a little break yesterday and right back in the fog today. >> here we are again. the humidity we've got out there. that is thick as well. you feel it as our humidity level is at 100% this morning. in four minutes, fall begins. >> finally. >> at 5:05. >> we have summer-like conditions with the warm and the humidity. here is hd radar. we are keeping our eyes on some rain showers down to our south. there is quite a bit of moisture down to the south and that will be making its way into our region as the day progresses. as you can see now, across south central virginia, southeastern virginia, southern maryland, we are seeing some rain showers in south central virginia. some of that rain is heavy and we will see or could see periods of heavy rain through here this afternoon. because of all of that, there
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is a flash flood watch in effect today from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. for washington, d.c. and all of the counties you see in green on this map. flash flood watch in effect later today. right now, current conditions, 70 degrees. look at these numbers. relative humidity, 100%. part of the reason for that thick fog, there is no wind. winds are calm. it will be with us through the morning. here is your forecast for today. lots of clouds, periods of rain. it won't rain steadily all day long but there will be periods of rain. at times in the afternoon, that rain could be heavy. highs today in the mid- and upper 70s. more details on the forecast coming up in just a few moments. >> that is the way we celebrate the beginning of fall this time around. >> three minutes way. >> let's check in with julie. enjoy the last three minutes. >> can we just put time on hold right now? on the roads, the lanes are open. big story is the fog that steve
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was talking about. lanes are open out on 66 with no incidents to report as you guys travel inbound working your way in towards centreville and making your way out towards the capital beltway. lanes are open. overnight construction cleared. live shot of traffic coming through. no incidents to report along this stretch leaving germantown. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. top stories this morning, the house passed a late night bill to replenish empty disaster aid funds and prevent a government shutdown. harry reid is promising to kill it because the house bill guts clean energy programs. a shutdown still looms one week from tonight. turning now to the economy and the selloff in world markets, the do you plummeted yesterday. the selloff was sparked by statements from the imf that
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the global economy was weakening. we get more now from fox 5's sherry ly live in northwest. >> reporter: the imf's 187 country members will arrive here today for the incident international monetary fund's annual meeting to tackle this economic crisis that is hitting the world. the outlook is very grim. take a look at the asian markets this morning. hong kong's hang seng index fell 243 points, a 1.4% drop n south korea, the index fell by more than 103 points. that comes of a huge sell offon wall street yesterday with the dow 400 points. the economic turmoil has created a sense of urgency for world economic leaders meeting in washington today. the imf and world bank are holding their annual meeting. yesterday, the g-20 which represents the world's major
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economies, pledged to take strong action to stabilize the global economy. greece is at risk of default. that coupled with the united states' unemployment problems are fueling fears of a double dip recession. the head of the imf considers that unlikely but that confidence is eroding amid all the economic instability. those world leaders will be meeting here in washington throughout the weekend and that means road closures in this immediate area between 18th and 20th streets in northwest and the g and h street areas. those closures will start at 6:30 this morning through 5:00 on sunday. back to you. >> thank you. in last night's republican debate, the big topic, social security and the economy. there were nine candidates on the stage in orlando. the front runers dominated the debate though. all the candidates know florida is where they need to
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extinguish themselves from the others. >> we have made a solemn oath to the people of this country. >> i think you earned every dollar. you should get to keep every dollar that you earn. that is your money. that is not the government's money. >> my plan throws out the old one. he is still hooked to the current tax code. that dog won't hunt. >> also on teenage, former house speaker, newt gingrich, michelle bachmann, who you just heard from. a 22-year-old man is behind bars facing hit and run charges. michael dalton, jr. is accused of slamming into a scooter and not stopping. the accident happened early thursday on rockville pike. police tell us dalton left the scene but was pulled over after police noticed the scooter
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still attached to his car. the driver of that scooter, roberto nassar was killed. change is coming to one of largest and most successful school districts in our region. fairfax county superintendent jack dale has announced he will resign at the end of his contract in 2013. he says after he retires, he still hopes to keep his hands in public edge indication. local news reporter locked out of a d.c. council meeting. details of why this happened. you are watching fox 5 morning news. stay with us. it is officially fall now at seven minutes past 5:00. .
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[ beep ] [ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> reporter: we are a vote council members told reporters to get out. even had a police officer stand guard at the door. it is not the first time. they did materialer this year to discuss allegations against
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councilmember harry thomas. we've learned negative statements made by council members recently, even ugly language, are were all talked about at thursday's closed door meeting including this comment by councilmember jack evans on tuesday. >> i said it is the worst council i've ever served on. they don't seem to have an understanding of history or finance. >> reporter: but he seemed to avoid reporter as he left the meeting. councilmember marion barry briefly spoke as he got on an elevator. >> are you talking about why you guys aren't getting along. >> i'm talking about business in ward 8. >> it was appropriate to close it and we closed it. it was very straightforward. >> reporter: chairman kwame brown agrees saying he did not violate any open meetings law by kick reporters out. reason why he says was to discuss personnel matters. >> any time we are going to discuss anything that has to do do way personnel matter between any of the members, it is something that should be done privately. >> reporter: a source says at times the closed door meeting was tense but all the chairman will say publicly is this. >> i think as we move forward,
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i think you will see a different council conduct themselves differently. it is all the buzz on foorveg, the big changes to t up next, many people don't like it and more big changes are on the way. >> get ready to see the so- called story of your life laid out in front of you. we will explain. >> also coming up in just a identify moments, the latest -- a few moments, the latest on your weather forecast. take the umbrella with you. you will probably need that later today.   fox 5 morning news will be right back. c -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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time this afternoon, a falling satellite will smash through the atmosphere and plummet back to earth. the 20-year-old satellite is expected to make re-entry over pat civic ocean. experts believe the pieces that survived will not hit land. instead, they are expected to plunge in the ocean. nasa says they should learn
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more about the satellite's path in the next few hours. as long as it is not over land, i guess that is a better situation. >> another reason to take your umbrella today just in case. >> it will certainly protect you from falling pace debris. what is going on out there. it is foggy once again. >> yes, it is the national weather service has just now a moment ago issued a dense fog advisory for this morning. >> makes sense. >> until 9:00 because of the dense fog that we have across the region. we'll continue to show it to you with some of our live shots this morning. meanwhile, i want to show you hd radar. here is what we're looking at. some of that rain, i mentioned it a short time ago. most of you aren't getting rain right now but where it is raining, some of that is heavy down across portions of the chesapeake bay into southern maryland, places like that. here you go, wherever you see the yellow and oranges, that is where the heavy rain is. we've got rain showers in ocean city, salisbury and saw this here just a moment ago.
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something brewing just to our north and east south of baltimore so we're going to keep our eyes on that. it looks like that is popping up right now and could contain some heavy rain right there too. that will likely change in intensity during the next several minutes. we'll watch that for you. because of the rain that we're seeing and the rain we expect today, we have a flash flood watch in effect until -- or from, i'll say, 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. flash flood watch for washington, d.c., all the close- in counties, up in baltimore, annapolis, prince george's county, fairfax county, king george county, all under a flood watch. you can see there is a lot of moisture to work with here and there is even more down to our south. kind of a tropical air mass making its presence known. we have it with the humidity, the fog and now the rain making its way through as well. here is a look at the
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temperatures across the region. 71 here in washington. that is an anomalies right there. don't worry about that spot. i mentioned yesterday this is a problem with our software. 71 in baltimore. 68 at dulles airport. hagerstown is at 66 degrees. forecast for today, dense fog advisory in effect until 9:00 a.m. flash flood watch in effect from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. rain, thunderstorms likely later today. rain will be heavy at times. 77degrees for your high. tonight, some continuing showers and thunderstorms. mild, overnight temperatures in the mid-60s. probably start tomorrow with some more fog. we also have a chance of rain during the day tomorrow. sunday, maybe a shower, 75. monday and tuesday, we still have the chance of rain both of those days. we've got julie wright with a look at traffic. >> right now, what i can see through this fog is that volume is increasing but no incidents to report right now as you guys travel along 66 where they were
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checking for a stalled car here at nutley street. i think whatever was out here has moved on. i got the lanes open here leaving nutley street headed for the capital beltway. no problems reported on the beltway between annandale and merrifield. northbound i-95, foggy commute for you as you travel northbound out of stafford. this is a live shot of the prince william parkway with lanes op as you travel through woodbridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a traffic alert concerning tolls. it will cost you more to drive on several maryland roadways. the state transportation authority is raising tolls statewide starting november 1st. the chesapeake bay brim will now cost $4 for a two-axle vehicle. right now, it costs $2.50. facebook the subject of a lot of complaint after the social networking site made big
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changes to people's home pages. if you think that is confusing, wait until you see what is happening next. >> those are a warm-up for the new platform that facebook will roll out called time line. melanie alnwick has more. >> reporter: time line, says facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, is the storive your life. your facebook life at least. new profile page will pull all of your old facebook activity from years past out of the car kiefs like a digital scrapbook. >> feppedz i -- out of the archives like a digital scrapbook. >> if you are listening to a song through a music app, all your friends will see that and they can listen in too. the ticker might show two friends playing a game. can you peek in on it and add
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the app to your time line. facebook says this socialization of music, movies, news and more allows more sharing. >> no activity is too big or too small to share. >> reporter: privacy advocates warn it could cause a lot of friction if it isn't used carefully. >> if you don't want to spend all your time on facebook, how about taking in a movie this weekend. >> up next, two of the stars of the new movie seduction. they talked about some of the roles of their legendary careers. today, our facebook pan. the day is theresa curran. can you tell she is excited for the premiere of fringe tonight. so excited, that is her profile picture. if you would like to be a
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facebook fan of the day, just post a comment under theresa's picture. 
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two veteran actors who have played iconic roles over the years are now starring in the new movie seduction. >> kevin mccarthy talked to sigourney weaver and alfred mol i want na. he asked them to define the movies that defined their careers. >> ghost busters. it wasn't until i got to ghost
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busters that i thought all right, i can do this. somehow, comedy is so -- to me, it is the quintessence of everything we do and such a lovie movie to be in, such a great company. it was sort of more about me philosophically finding a home than it was about me feeling like -- because what i want to do is do as many different things as possible and not get pigeonholed by doing one thing. i do think it is a very challenging character. a normal kid thrust into the extraordinary situation and he and lily both are so fantastic in it. i think it will completely redefine him. >> is there a particular role? >> there is no particular role but i think the first film, i d which was raiders of the last
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ark -- >> no one saw that movie. >> came and went. i learned about film acting on that movie. and i discovered my love for movies on that film. >> very important. >> and it was -- so in a way, that was what kind of got the whole thing started. >> you both have the best job in the world. you get to make believe fight living and play so many characters and travel all over the world. i'm jealous. if you could -- is there a character, is there a role that maybe you wish if you weren't ever acting and you could be that person, who would it be? >> that is a fascinating question. some characters stay with you because you've learned so much about that world. i played a woman with autism in snowcake and i worked on it for a year and i still feel like, on the human spectrum, we are all much more different together. so i learned so much. i have that with me forever.
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i don't know. in a way, it is a relief to get back to your own identity. >> i'm avery good at just leaving it at work. i'm fortunate. i'm one of those actors that works from the outside out. it is all superficial with me. i don't have any of those problems. >> even though you're very deep. deeply shallow. >> i'm deeply shallow. >> all right. kevin joins us live in the next hour of fox 5 morning news to review abduction and three other movies. >> have an umbrella ready today. rain is falling. we are around a floodwatch and a fog advisory. tony is back with the forecast. >> and also your 401(k), the kids college fund, both taking some big hits. sherry is following the global market meltdown for us this morning. >> we have world leaders coming to washington today to tackle the global economic crisis. roads will be closed. we'll have the details for you coming up. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope,
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just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me yup. out? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. being sent to the back of a freezer. and it's all because someone said "tacos." old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers.
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welcome back. we are taking a live look in oxon hill, maryland. this is on the beltway. a better picture than what we've seen in a lot of other areas this morning. a lot of fog out there still. >> there is fog and some raindrops too. tony is back to give us an idea of what is happening out there. >> we are seeing a couple of spots here and there. we have more rain off to the east. let's talk about the fog first
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of all. take a look at the graphics. we've created our dense fog advisory map. i shouldn't say we because tucker did it. now in effect for the counties you see there appropriately shaded in gray t includes washington and all these other counties. visibility could be a quarter mile or less. so allow some extra time. this dense fog advisory in effect now. temperature, 71 degrees. relative humidity has dropped off 4%. it is 96%. >> oh, so much better. >> oh, that's going to feel really nice. just kidding. the winds are calm still see the fog will be with us for a while. what is hanging around the center of your screen there, the beam, that is junk. there is no rain there. but off to the east, that is where we're seeing some rainfall and down tower south, we are seeing some rainfall. again, that green that is right
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around the center of the screen is nothing. >> not space junk. >> it's fog. >> here is your forecast for today. >> showers and thunderstorms likely today. we'll have more details coming up in just afew minutes. >> thank you. let's say hello to julie. >> we are off day quiet start. leave early, plan that trip accordingly because we are dealing with fog this morning. you don't want to get stuck out there in that. live shot of the traffic coming south on 270 leaving the germantown area headed past mva. no incidents to report as you continue down into rockville. coming eastbound along 66 here at nutley street, whatever was stopped in the road has since cleared. lanes are open conning towards the capital beltway and again northbound i-95 in good shape in spite of the fog as you
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travel northbound headed across the occoquan. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. new this morning, a midnight vote in the house to avoid a shutdown next week. republican leaders ran through a similar bill that failed yesterday restoring fema's funding but guts clean emergency programs. that is why democratic leaderses in the senate say they are won't support t congress expected to work through the weekend to avoid a government shutdown next week. now to the global economy and the market selloff. the dow lost almost 400 points yesterday following plunges in european markets and the selling continues in asia this morning. it comess athe imf and world bank are meeting downtown today. fox 5's sherry ly is at the imf with more on the market selloff. >> the imf chief economist says the world economy has entered a dangerous new phase.
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the european debt crisis is fueling some continued turmoil across the markets worldwide and today, the imf and world bank will be meeting here for its annual meeting and the economic crisis will ten top of the list. in arab yarks markets this morning, the hong kong hang seng index fell 1.3% following a 5% loss the day before. in south creigh, the index dropped 5.7 -- in south korea, the index dropped 5.7%. -- in asian markets this morning, the hong kong hang seng index fell 1.3% following a 5% loss the day before. there are fears of a double- digit worldwide recession. >> i still think that a double
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dip recession for the world's major economies is unlikely but my confidence is that belief is being eroded daily by the steady drill of lili economic news. europe, japan and the united states must act to address their big economic problems before they become bigger problems for the rest of the world. >> reporter: as those 187 countries that make up the imf prepare to meet this weekend, expect some road closures throughout the area right around here. they are will start in just about an hour and last until sunday at 5:00 p.m. the closures between 1th and -- between 18th and 20th streets around gah streets as well as around pennsylvania avenue. plan to get around those and don't be surprised if you see some protesters. >> it will certainly be busy. thank you. in the republican debates last night in florida, the
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candidates tackled the issues and attacked each other. texas governor rick perry and mitt romney dominated the debate. they are in a tight race for the top spot and starred over many issues including social security. >> now, it is not the first time that mitt has been wrong on some issues before and the bottom line is we never said that we were going to move this back to the states. what we said was we ought to have as one of the options the state employees and the state retirees, they being able to go off of the current system onto one that is the states would operate themselves. >> well, it is different than what the governor put in his book just, what, six months ago and what you said on your interviews following the book. i don't know -- there is there is a recollect -- rick perry out there saying almost to quote that the federal government shouldn't be in the pension business, that it is unconstitutional and it should be returned to the states.
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>> last night's debate was sponsored by fox news and google. a 22-year-old man behind bars this morning facing hit and run charges. michael dalton, jr. accused of slamming into a scooter and then not stopping. the accident happened early thursday on rockville pike. police tell us dalton left the scene but was pulled over after police. & ised the scooter still attached to his vehicle. driver of that scooter was killed. he was apparently on his way home from his night job ate rockville restaurant. you are looking at nearly 15,000 packs of cigarettes smug nulled maryland. - - smuggled into maryland. the indictment is part of an effort to crack down on a growing and lucrative tobacco smuggling industry. change is coming to one of the largest and most successful school districts in our region. fairfax county school
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superintendent jack dale has announced he will retire when his contract ends in july of 2013. dale has served as fairfax superintendent since 2004. before that, he was at schools in frederick, county maryland. mysterious markings keep popping up on the bellies of southwest airlines planes. the discovery at a local shelter for cats. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. an animal rescue center in anne arundel county is under investigation. county officials say they found 67 cats inside the cool cats shelter in severna park roaming around fidel castroly in a room covered in feces. several different agencies teamed up to get the appear mals out of there. they have been taken to the animal shelter in millerville for medical treatment and behavior tests to see if they are suitable for adoption. so far, no charges have been filed. federal investigators examining some mysterious messages written in arabic that have and on the underbellies of several southwest airlines plans. the graffiti first and in february but has popped up more frequently in recent weeks. the airline says somebody is using a chemical to etch the writings and the messages only
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become visible once the plane gets hotter when an auxiliary power unit is turned on. just days after the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, a lawsuit over severance pay for service members who were dismissed because they are gay. the aclu says they only got half of their severance pay and they are fighting for all of it. the justice department asked the court to dismiss the case. president obama says the americans can get back to work by building. he chose to present his plan in front of a bridge that needed repair in ohio t could put unemployed construction works back to work under his jobs act in a place that just happens ton the home turf of two top gop rivals. republicans call the move pure politicians. >> part of the rope i came -- part of the reason i came here is because mr. boehner and mr. mcconnell, they can either kill this jobs bill or they can help pass this jobs bill. >> now is not the time for a
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president to go into campaign mode. >> the president's proposed jobs plan alindicates $50 billion for immediate instruct repairs to roads, train systems, airports and bridges. metro making it easier for smart trip users to reload their cards. those details are next. missoni madness continues. target is under fire again, this time for what it said about online purchases. ic
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hope you stay with us throughout the morning. we have some exciting guests come up on the show later this morning most of the cast of the big nickelodeon hit icarly will be in studio in our 8:00 hour. they will be in d.c. tomorrow. you will be able for possibly interact with them. at 9:00, cuba gooding, jr. is going to join us. he is in town for the congressional black caucus. we are also going to find out about his latest film which was inspired by the story of the
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tuskegee airmen, stepping it up a notch, talking about fighter pilots out there. should be pretty cool. tucker barnes will ask him to show you the money. >> i'm sure he is so tired of hearing that. i love cuba gooding, jr. here is how you are a parent. i'm thrilled that the cast of icarly is coming in. i'm happy with cuba gooding. >> tucker is so excited. >> i probably see that show probably more than pretty much any show on tv. >> you are talking about the college generation. i talked to a collegen tern who said isn't that the guy from snow dogs? >> that's funny. we'll start with hd radar. we've been following the rain as it continues to develop this morning. check you out to the. that is heavy rain moving across the chesapeake bay, the
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eastern shore, portions of southern maryland, cambridge, oxford. these are areas that are all getting some of this heavy rain right now that moved into easton, across the chesapeake bay itself. a big swath of heavy rain moving across portions of the region from the south to the north. this is what was a little blip a short time ago. i said we're going to watch t you see how it has grown right around severna park and now to the north of severna park. this is more heavy rain just to the east of beltsville. this is pushing north. while many of you are not getting any precipitation this morning, most of us have the mist and the fog and now of areas of heavy rain to our east. let me show you the flash flood watch that is in effect for today from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. because of that heavy rain that we are seeing and are likely to see during the course of the day when these rain showers pop up. in some case, it will be light, moderate rainfall. but in other cases it will mushroom into heavy rain and a
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lot of it will be over the same regions where we had heavy rain not so long ago. that is why we have the flash flood watch that goes into effect later on this morning. here is a look at the sentinel satellite-radar composite. it shows you a couple of things. first of all, all the cloud cover we've got across the eastern united states so it will be another day of cloudy skies here. another kind of dreary day. there is your frontal boundary out to the west. the combination of that and all this tropical moisture to our south really wrings out the atmosphere and that is what produces all that rain and creates the heavy rain showers as well. i'm loving futurecast. it is doing a good job of capturing when we see during the course of date. there it is showing that heavy rain. rain showers across most of the region with many areas of heavy rain. that is what we're looking for later. 5:00 p.m., still, for the evening rush hour, rain, some of it heavy coming through down to the south and south central
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virginia. then during the overnight hours, that rain starts to push out of here. we still have some clouds but some clear skies off to the west. so the forecast for today looks like this. flash flood watch. dense fog advisory. i want to correct something i said earlier. we showed you the counties that are around a dense fog advisory. technically, washington, d.c. itself is not under that advisory but we do still have fog here. rain, some thunderstorms likely. rain can be heavy at times. for tonight, we'll see an overnight low in the 60s. told, we'll say a mix of clouds and sun. i still think a fair amount of cluck and a chaps some of showers and thunderstorms developing during the day. maybe a shower on sunday. maybe a few more showers monday and tuesday. highs all of those days in the 70s. now, here is julie wright with an update on traffic. >> you mentioned cuba gooding,
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jr. somebody said snow dogs. somebody referenced jerry maguire. remember him in boys in the hood when i wrote a paper about that in high school. >> he has done some fine work. >> yes, he has. lanes are open on northbound 395. not so foggy here at least not as you travel out to duke street. the outer loop of the beltway north of town seeing all that fog as you continue around through colesville road, the interchange here around towards 270. no incidents to report but volume definitely increasing. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. redskins, cowboys, monday night and one member of the redskins is promising to bring the pain. >> the target is tomorrow tony romo and his injured ribs. but do the comments cross the line? it is the cowboys. of course, they didn't. dave ross is next.
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you're always looking ahead... to what's next... to what's possible confident... that taking action now, is the way to create... a better tomorrow. that's why we're announcing, that with the planned merger with t-mobile, at&t will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we will invest eight billion dollars more... and deploy the next generation of wireless broadband to nearly everyone in america. this investment will create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. here at at&t, we believe in the future.
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we're not hesitating. we're investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america... has always been... and always will be... a smart investment. at&t.
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. time to talk a little football although we have an extended break before we get to the game with the game on monday night. dave ross with us now to talk a little -- we can call it a friday football forecast. >> never too early to talk redskins-cowboys. >> of course not. >> i guess it is always a super charged match-up no matter what. they've played 12 times over the last six years. it is 6-6. >> tough to for the redskins to
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win in dallas. >> it is. it seems like no matter what, the redskins seem to do well in prime time down there. up here, it seems like a different story. >> this game is going to be a little different, i guess. you have one team that is surging which is it is redskins an one team that is reeling a bit which is the cowboys. >> the first two weeks, i don't think there has been any team under the microscope any more than that the cowboys, specifically tony romo. he just laid an egg in the fourth quarter. everybody was hammering the guy. come back last week, carlos rogers knocks him out of the game temporarily with a punctured lung. >> he does have those stone hands. >> it is still early in the year, steve. you hate to say save their season at 1-1. tbu but going 0-
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2 could have been devastating. >> i gave tony romo credit last week because to come back in with two broken ribs. >> and a punctured lung. >> it is a different situation to have a week to think about it. you don't have the adrenaline rush to try to get back in there. >> he will have kevlar o i raised the question in the newsroom yesterday jokingly but not so much. that is legal? is that fair? can you wear body armor? >> it is like what barry bonds would wear when he would go up to the plate. >> is that in the spirit of the game. >> that may protect from you the outside. that is an internal injury that is still just to move, to talk to breathe, it has to be painful. >> the guy has a punctured lung. god forbid he gets it punctured again. deangelo hall raised a ruckus this week when they asked him about it. >> i want to get a chance to put my helmet on where others
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hurt. if it's romo's ribs, i'm going to be going after his ribs. if feelics jones' shoulders hurt, i'm going to try to hit him up hard. >> well, you think about t you are not allowed to hit him in the head and you can't hit him below the knees. so there is only one place you can hit him. just a shame he is hurt. no, i know, i think he was joking more than anything. he was kind of chuckling about it. but realistically, it is the only place you really can hit a quarterback now. >> i don't have a problem with what deangelo hall said. >> he said what they are going to do. >> i disagree with jim hazlett. he wasn't kidding. as long as it isn't dirty, anything within the actual play is fair game. >> i agree. >> the cowboys do have a pretty good defense coming at the quarterback, one die in
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particular. >> we'll talk about did he marcus ware more in though show. ' i beast. 15 1/2 sacks. he is a game changer. >> monday night, my 20s the place to be. we will have that game with kickoff at 8:30. >> stay tuned for the post-game right after the game. also, more tomorrow on my 20. >> you got to watch my 20 all weekend long if you're not watching fox 5. >> terps hosting temple tomorrow. re
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